Monday, 2 June 2014

Jesus Salas of Miami: Get Involved in Your Children’s Lives

Children need a stable and secure foundation of love and support in order to experience a healthy development in to adulthood. This foundation, as Jesus Salas of Miami believes, should include active parental involvement in your children’s education. Fostering an environment for learning, one conducive to academic success, requires the concerted interest and efforts of fathers like Jesus Salas of Miami, people who genuinely care about and understand the value of a foundational education.

Jesus Salas of Miami has long striven to be an active part of his children’s lives, and to take the lead when it comes to their education. His goal is to stay apprised and aware of the education and learning his children are receiving from the local public school system, and to equip his kids with the tools and support needed to ensure they get as much from their education as possible. Jesus Salas of Miami doesn’t sit back and hope for the best. Rather, he jumps right in, actively exploring ways to improve the quality of learning his children receive. 

Jesus Salas of Miami was recently honored for his activism with the 2014 Involved Fathers Award by the Fatherhood Task Force of South Florida. The organization recognized how sincere Jesus Salas of Miami was about active community involvement, particularly in education. While he didn’t actively pursue this award, he more than earned it, as well as the respect continuing admiration of his friends, family and peers. Jesus Salas of Miami has always taken this proactive, perhaps relentless approach, to involvement in his children’s lives, simply because he knows it is the only way to provide the most appropriate guidance and support they need to succeed.

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