Friday, 23 May 2014

Jesus Salas of Miami: An Inspiration to Parents Everywhere

Everglades K-8 Center Elementary and Middle School recognized the commitment and involvement of Jesus Salas of Miami in the education of his children. Noticing this unabated zeal and enthusiasm for his children’s education, and for the health and strength of local academic institutions, the school decided to nominate Jesus Salas of Miami for the 2014 Involved Fathers Award, handed out annually to local fathers who continue to exhibit high levels of active involvement and concern into the quality of their children’s education.

Jesus Salas Miami

Jesus Salas of Miami has been an inspiration to both local educators and to parents for many years, and has consistently displayed a genuine interest in the lives of his children and in the health of their school. He has always believed that parental involvement is at the core of any child’s academic success. A quality education, believes Jesus Salas of Miami, is critical to a child’s development and to their success as a productive adult. Parents, particularly fathers, should make ongoing commitments to actively involved in their children’s education, and to ensure that each child in the local community has the best tools, teachers and educational resources available.

Jesus Salas of Miami doesn’t set out to inspire people. His primary goal is to make sure his children, as well as the children of his local neighborhood, receive a high-quality education. He understands that primary education is the starting point for a child’s educational career, and that strong education foundation is needed to encourage development and intellectual growth in every child.

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