Thursday, 11 December 2014

Jesus Salas Miami: Community Leadership

Besides being a veteran radio professional, Jesus Salas is also involved in many community organizations such as being the co-chair for Miami Children's Hospital Foundation "Gentleman’s Night", which recently raised over $400k for the inaugural event for the foundation. He also was awarded the Radio INK Programmer of the Year 2012 Medallas De Cortez. Jesus Salas Miami has over 22 years of broadcasting experience and solid interpersonal skills, which allows him to develop a result oriented culture for maximum listener/client experience.

In 1997, Jesus Salas Miami was named Program Director for WSKQ-FM and WPAT-FM New York, where he led WSKQ-FM to number one 12+ (Arbitron Spring & Summer 1998). He was then quickly promoted to Vice President of programming overseeing WSKQ-FM, WPAT-FM New York, KLAX-FM Los Angeles, WLEY-FM Chicago, WXDJ-FM, WRMA-FM, WCMQ-FM Miami and WCMA-FM Puerto Rico.
Jesus Salas began his career in radio at a young age, advancing quickly as a respected and successful Hispanic radio programmer.  He began his career as an on-air personality for WXDJ-FM Miami, where at 19 years of age was appointed the program director for the station. 

Jesus Salas Miami's position carries many responsibilities. He must meet regularly with programming members (program directors, music directors and on-air talent) to ensure all members are up-to-date on all elements of SBS programming. He is also in charge of developing cohesive and efficient special features and promotions ensuring the overall SBS objectives.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Jesus Salas Miami: Road to A Successful Career in Radio

Jesus Salas Miami started his career in radio at the age of 16, working for a New Age Broadcasting as an air personality for the station. In 1997, he was named PD for WSKQ-FM & WPAT-FM/New York. Salas accepted an offer as senior PD with XM Satellite Radio in Washington DC. While at XM he spearheaded a successful national marketing campaign to grow the Hispanic subscriber base. In his current post with Spanish Broadcasting Systems, Salas oversees radio stations in the top U.S. Hispanic markets of New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco, and Puerto Rico.
Jesus has strong leadership skills and thorough knowledge of the Latin music and radio formats, along with a very intense attention to detail, and an overall top notch work ethic. He has a proven track record in discovering, training, cultivating and coaching successful Latin on-air personalities.
Jesus Salas Miami also gives back to the community with volunteer work. He is part of the CHAPMAN Partnership for the Homeless Outreach Committee, a business partner for Dade County Public Schools, a volunteer for The Children Youth Life Foundation for terminally ill children and a member of the EESAC Education Excellence School Advisory Council for Juvenile Justice Public School.
Jesus Salas Miami is a member of the Advisory Council and member of the EESAC for Miami Dade Public School Department of Juvenile Justice and is involved in several charitable organizations as Miami Children’s Hospital.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Jesus Salas of Miami: Get Involved in Your Children’s Lives

Children need a stable and secure foundation of love and support in order to experience a healthy development in to adulthood. This foundation, as Jesus Salas of Miami believes, should include active parental involvement in your children’s education. Fostering an environment for learning, one conducive to academic success, requires the concerted interest and efforts of fathers like Jesus Salas of Miami, people who genuinely care about and understand the value of a foundational education.

Jesus Salas of Miami has long striven to be an active part of his children’s lives, and to take the lead when it comes to their education. His goal is to stay apprised and aware of the education and learning his children are receiving from the local public school system, and to equip his kids with the tools and support needed to ensure they get as much from their education as possible. Jesus Salas of Miami doesn’t sit back and hope for the best. Rather, he jumps right in, actively exploring ways to improve the quality of learning his children receive. 

Jesus Salas of Miami was recently honored for his activism with the 2014 Involved Fathers Award by the Fatherhood Task Force of South Florida. The organization recognized how sincere Jesus Salas of Miami was about active community involvement, particularly in education. While he didn’t actively pursue this award, he more than earned it, as well as the respect continuing admiration of his friends, family and peers. Jesus Salas of Miami has always taken this proactive, perhaps relentless approach, to involvement in his children’s lives, simply because he knows it is the only way to provide the most appropriate guidance and support they need to succeed.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Jesus Salas of Miami: An Advocate for Education

Every child needs and deserves a mentor, someone who consistently provides guidance and support for their development into healthy and productive adults. Jesus Salas of Miami provides strong mentorship to his children, and has committed himself to ensuring they receive the best education and developmental foundation possible.

The Fatherhood Task Force of South Florida, a nonprofit organization that promotes and advocates strong father involvement in children’s lives and education, has recently provided Jesus Salas of Miami the 2014 Involved Fathers Award. This award, which recognizes Jesus Salas of Miami for his dedication to involvement in his children’s lives, is given to exceptional fathers every year, honoring them for their continued commitment to their children’s education and success. 

Children deserve a father who cares, not only someone who speaks to their children’s success, but that also takes the time be an active part of their lives. Jesus Salas of Miami has continually proven himself to be a beacon of inspiration to fathers everywhere, and to be a strong example of the potential and opportunity that an involved father can make for his child. Jesus Salas of Miami didn’t seek out this award, but rather earned it through an unwavering commitment to the developmental health and well-being of his children.

There are many throughout the area that could take note of Jesus Salas of Miami and his efforts to make a real and lasting difference in the local educational system. Concerned parents, particularly fathers, can do a lot for their children’s educational opportunities simply by devoting their time to involvement.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Jesus Salas of Miami: An Inspiration to Parents Everywhere

Everglades K-8 Center Elementary and Middle School recognized the commitment and involvement of Jesus Salas of Miami in the education of his children. Noticing this unabated zeal and enthusiasm for his children’s education, and for the health and strength of local academic institutions, the school decided to nominate Jesus Salas of Miami for the 2014 Involved Fathers Award, handed out annually to local fathers who continue to exhibit high levels of active involvement and concern into the quality of their children’s education.

Jesus Salas Miami

Jesus Salas of Miami has been an inspiration to both local educators and to parents for many years, and has consistently displayed a genuine interest in the lives of his children and in the health of their school. He has always believed that parental involvement is at the core of any child’s academic success. A quality education, believes Jesus Salas of Miami, is critical to a child’s development and to their success as a productive adult. Parents, particularly fathers, should make ongoing commitments to actively involved in their children’s education, and to ensure that each child in the local community has the best tools, teachers and educational resources available.

Jesus Salas of Miami doesn’t set out to inspire people. His primary goal is to make sure his children, as well as the children of his local neighborhood, receive a high-quality education. He understands that primary education is the starting point for a child’s educational career, and that strong education foundation is needed to encourage development and intellectual growth in every child.